Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Sunday, May 3, 2020

some somali immigrant in midwest USA--..

It's been a matter of concern the constant inflow of  refugees from certain countries like Somalia.. a concern only if you are some kind of eacist or conservative (like me). In any case, our gorgeous white girls with noticeable nordic ancestry are really excited about their new African neighbors.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

and arabs too

preview of some pic series..in this case an all-american blonde cheerleader and her new iraqi friend

Jealous 2

again, some average nig boy getting for himself an extremely HOTT white girl.... probbly she wouldnt even say "hello"  back to me if I greeted her... sigh

i'm jealous

it's impressive how even some average looking nig can get such fine white girls like this in the pic... jealousyyy

blonde with her african guy at some electronic music concert

African boy quickly befriended this blonde hottie and she took him to some electronic music festival..you can guess what happened next